The importance
of rules.
Respect of the rules has always been Fontana Group’s primary commitment. Obviously this not only means respect of currently applicable laws, but also respect of all rules in force that govern company production and organisation, in the firm conviction that ethical and economic values are deeply connected.
Therefore, it is essential that all internal and external collaborators fully share this principle and undertake to adopt the highest standards of ethical behaviour and moral integrity, both within their personal environment and towards colleagues and stakeholders.

Our values.
Trust and corporate loyalty are the core values of the entire Fontana Group Code of Ethics. These principles are deeply rooted in the company culture and are reflected in the importance it gives to team work, in the desire to become increasingly competitive and proud of all the results achieved both on a personal and Group level.
Such successful results could never have reached without the Group’s strong commitment to innovation always looking towards the future with optimism and proactivity.
Team work just as fundamental to the Fontana Group as the value we place on every single collaborator. We want to surround ourselves with people whose technical skills go hand-in-hand with passion, positivity and full attention to details and we pay particular importance to qualities such punctuality, honesty and politeness which increase our Team’s human value.

Fontana Group
Code of Ethics.
Compiling these values in a Code of Ethics, means giving form to these principles to strongly and distinctively state its corporate identity.
Thus Fontana Group is able to attract the most talented and professional people in its sector, and, become a highly qualified and responsible partner to its Customers, one which is always capable of attaining the most ambitious goals, even in a long-term.
As required by the Corporate Ethic Code, Fontana Group has settled a whistleblowing reporting service, a corporate communication system dedicated to reporting any illegal or unethical behavior carried out by any person working or collaborating with the Company.
As required by the Corporate Ethic Code, Fontana Group has settled a Whistleblowing reporting service, a corporate communication system dedicated to reporting any illegal or unethical behavior carried out by any person working or collaborating with the Company.